Your Touch Typing Tutor

Diane Gifford, the owner of Type by Touch, was taught touch typing the hard way – on an old fashioned manual typewriter pre University, after parental pressure to gain a fallback skill.
​"It’s been one of the most useful skills I ever learned, saving me more hours of valuable time than it's possible to count.
When my three sons began using computers, I hunted for the best touch typing course I could find, thinking my children could use a downloaded course to 'teach themselves'. I soon realised this wasn’t going to happen – it rarely does. So I became their personal touch typing tutor, and my supervision and encouragement made all the difference. They were soon the fastest touch typists in their year groups. ​
​Seeing the marked benefits having this skill made in their lives - aiding their performance and supporting their learning through their Schools, then at University and now in their careers, motivated me to become a touch typing tutor to others".
​We've all heard the saying: "Give a man a fish, and he’ll eat for a day - teach him how to fish and he’ll never go hungry”. Well in that context, the ability to Touch Type is the fishing rod!
I’m driven to help as many people as possible gain this skill which empowers them to create their own future. It begins with this – sharpening a skills set and literally putting power in their hands" to achieve their full potential.
And so Diane started Type by Touch to fill a gap in the market for a dedicated ‘Hands On’ Touch Typing Tutor.
Why is finding a good touch typing tutor so important?

​"Gaining student rapport is essential - if learners feel upset or frustrated, I'm able to tweak the pace, or level of challenge, keeping a close eye on how they're coping and their level of enjoyment.
In short I become a trusted learning partner, empowering learners to achieve and increasing their confidence - in education and beyond.
I never tire of seeing others reap the benefits of learning this vital skill".
"Over the years, the software has been improved - it now has masses of engaging content that makes the necessary repetition enjoyable.
Signing onto my touch typing courses makes it easier to focus fully on the learning without distractions and have fun at the same time in a comfortable, safe and pleasing environment.
The most positive thing is watching learners invest a short time, and yet gain one of the best life skills there is, one that they'll always be grateful they took the trouble to learn".